
Make Money Writing Articles – Finding Freelance Writing Jobs

If you’ve ever asked yourself “how can I make money writing articles?”, look no further because in this article, we willll take an up-close look at how you can make money online with your writing skills.

The first thing you need to know is that it’s really not hard at all to make money online. All you really need to know is how to distinguish between the junk and what is real. There are many writing scams out there on the net that have big promises, but do not deliver.

Just avoid all those services and gimmicks such as those get paid to write ads scams. You don’t need any of them. The first step to making money online writing articles is to have an online portfolio with a few of your writing samples online.

This is where you will want to direct clients, so that they can get an idea of your writing skills. This will make it much easier for them to decide whether they want to hire you or not. If you have great writing skills, then you can be sure you’ll have a lot of impressed potential clients.

The next step is to find potential clients! So where does one go? Digital Point forum is a great place to start finding clients to work for. The important thing to remember is that there is more demand than there is supply, so you’ll never be out of work if you take the right steps. You can browse through their “content creation” section to find clients to write for based on your skills and what they require. That’s it!

There are many other forums online also but Digital Point is by far the best forum for linking writing professionals with potential clients. Generally speaking, webmaster forums are always constantly in need of good article writers. The other type of sites you can go to are freelance websites such as and

You can make money writing articles and it’s really simple! The nicest part of the process is when you find long term clients to work for, it become produce a steady stream of income. If you have good writing skills, it is not uncommon to charge $10 to $15 per 500 word article.

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