
Residual Income Stream - Lesson 2

This is lesson 2 of the Residual Income Stream Series. Hopefully you already signed up for Hubpages. If not, please go now. You're never going to make any money by reading. So many people spend years, that's right, years, searching online, reading, researching and have all this great information but never do anything with it. The steps that I am showing you are small so that no one gets overwhelmed. If you can't do any of the small stuff, then seriously, making residual income online is just not for you.

So the reason why I asked you to go sign up for a hubpage account is because is it's a great way to create a page that will score well in the search engines assuming that you picked a relatively non-competitive topic to write about. Think of it as a blog but the difference is you have the power and authority of Hubpages on your side. Google loves hubpages, I don't know why, no point in arguing. So because of this, we can use this fact to our advantage. The cool part is that on Hubpages, they let you put Adsense on there. This is how you will make your money, which is also free.

Adsense is a program ran by Google to put ads on publishers' sites like your blogs. When people come to your site and click on the ads, you make some money off of it. The amount of money you make per click will depend on your topic, how well your site is optimized, and how to visitor found your site. Typically, you would have to start a blog like this one and start building content and getting backlinks in order to rank in the SERP's (search engine results page). This is important because search engines is how your site will be found. If you don't have people coming to your site, then you won't make any residual income.

I'll take you through building your own blog for free as well since that will be your main source of income, most likely. You may find that your hubpages might make you more money. So if by now you still haven't signed up for Hubpages, please do so. After you finish, you will be one step closer than most people to building residual income.

After that, you want to sign up for a blogger account. This will serve as your main blog when you can use your hubpages to link to in order to give it more power in the search engine results. You'll see how this all plays out in some future posts. For now, just do those two things.

Once that is done, you'll be able to follow me better as I take you through how this whole internet game works. Yes, it's all a game. The people who know how to play the game are the ones that dominate the markets and make all the money. The ones who don't know the game, no matter how good of a writer they are, no matter how good of a person they are, or no matter how hard they work, will never beat the people who know how the game works.

After the next few posts, you will know how the game works and will be another big step closer to building a residual income stream.

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