
Residual Income Stream - Lesson 4

This is lesson 4 of the How to Build a Residual Income Stream series. In this lesson, I will be going back to the Hubpages strategy that I discussed in lessons 1 and 2. The reason for doing this to make money online is because it's not going to cost you anything. Many times people will not even attempt to earn residual income online because they have been burnt so many times in the past. Before you do this, realize that because you aren't putting any money into this venture, it will take some time to see any good results.

So here is the strategy to make money with Hubpages. I'm assuming that you already signed up for an account. If you need help on making a hub, read this hub: "How to Correctly Setup a Hub" ( The first time you try to build a page on this site, it may take you awhile since the format needs some getting used to. After you make a few pages, it'll be pretty easy.

You will also need to sign up for a Google Adsense account. Once you get the account number, you will add it to your hubpages account. The hub link above will show you how to do that as well. Without an Adsense account, you won't be able to make money. Now, let's get started. Here are the steps.

1. Find the right topic to write about.

Depending on how you will plan to make money with your hubpage, (Adsense, Ebay, or Amazon) you will need a way to find keywords that will be profitable. When it comes down to it, you need to know if there is a demand for a certain topic or product and what type of competition you are up against. If you find a topic that doesn't have any demand, you can show up as the number one site on Google for that topic or keyword and not have any traffic. On the other hand, you may pick a really hot topic only to find that the competition is way to high and therefore, you are no where on the search engines so no one is able to find you.

So what do you do? One great way is to use Google's Keyword Tool( This tool will give you the approximate demand for whatever keyword you type in. After you type in the keyword and fill out the word security box, it will pull up a bunch of words that has the keyword you typed in. On the right side, you will see a pull down menu that says "Match Type". The default will say "Broad". You want to change that to "Exact". Basically, you are looking for a keyword that has at least 3,000 global monthly search volume.

Next, under the "Choose columns to display" pull down menu, you want to choose "Show Estimated Avg. CPC". This will give you an idea of how much advertisers are paying Google every time someone clicks on an ad they placed in the search engines. You'll be getting about 30-40% of that per click. That is just a rough estimate though. You will want the CPC number to be at least $1.00. The lower the CPC is, the higher your search volume will have to be. I normally go for words that have higher than $1.50 CPC.

At $1.00 in CPC, you will want to have a keyword that has at least 15,000 searches. At $2.00 in CPC, you can have a search volume of 7,500. If you find a keyword that has 5,000 searches, you will need a CPC of about $3.00. At the minimum of 3,000 searches, you will need a CPC of $5.00 for the keyword to be worth chasing.

Once you find some words that meet those criteria, you want to enter the words into Google and see how much "results" there are. This number will be shown near the upper right hand corner in bold. You want to look for words that have under 1 million search results. The lower the search results, the better. Try to find words that have under 500,000 results. Don't worry if you don't find any keywords that meet these criteria right away. It will take some time. It's really a numbers game. The more words you search for, the more profitable keywords you will find.

This isn't set in stone of course. If you find a word that is over $2 but a little less than 3,000 or even 2,000 searches, but have less than 100,000 page results, it could be worth going for just because it may be easy to rank with.

I have a hub with a keyword that has less than 3,000 monthly searches, less than 100k results, with a CPC of over $2 and make around $20 a month for it. That may not seem like much but what if you had 100 or 200 hubpages like that? We're talking retirement income right there.

The secret is to build at least 100 hubs. That way, you will start to see what type of niches work and what doesn't work. If you have anything less than 50 hubs, don't expect to make much money at all. Again, it's a numbers game. The more bait you throw out there, the greater your chance of catching a big fish.

This isn't the only method of doing keyword research. Is it the best? Well, the results will vary depending on the keywords. A lot of things come into play. The best thing to do is to test. Another great way to do your research is using the strategies taught at the Keyword Academy(

2. Build your Hubpage.

This is where you will build your content page. This is be how you will make your residual income stream. Since Hubpages is such a strong site, you will have some advantages in terms of search engine rankings by using them. Of course, if you can afford buying a domain and hosting to have your own website, you should do that as well. But for now, let's just stick with this free method. If you go to a page on that site like this one I wrote about how to retire wealthy, you can see an example of this. As you can see, there are Google Adsense ads on that page. When people click on it, I get paid. Hubpages get revenue 40% of the time but that's okay because we are leveraging their power with Google to get high rankings that we may not have otherwise on our own.

If your keyword is a product, you can add Ebay and Amazon affiliate links on there as well to get paid whenever someone clicks on your links and buys the product.

Here my hubpages profile that I use to link to this site. My Hub Profile.

3. Build links.

In order for people to find your page and also to increase your rankings in the search engine, you need to build links to your hubpage. That's really what this game is all about. Who can get the best and most links using the keyword as the anchor text. If you notice the links that I have in this post, the words I use are the keywords I am aiming to score high with on the search engines.

You can do that by asking website owners who write about the same topic to do link exchanges with you. One way link exchanges (they link to you, you don't link to them) have more strength but it may be harder to get. You can also write articles for certain strong sites such as Ezine Articles to get strong one way links. You can also, and should, create related hubpages and have them all link to each other. The less competition you have and the less strong those competition are, the easier it will be to get on the first page of the search engines for your keyword.

Each page you build will be another residual income stream to add to your collection. Some pages will work better than others. It's really a numbers game. The more you build, the more money you can potentially make. Is it a lot of work? Yes, but you need to realize that everything shared on this site is about building residual income. You do the work once but you get paid for it over and over again. Will all your pages or sites make you money? No. You'll have many sites or hubpages that won't make you a dime. But the more you do this, the better you'll get at knowing what works and what doesn't.

The key here is to put in consistent effort and work. If you can set aside an hour a day and just work on building each residual income stream, over a year's time, you'll be well on your way to having multiple residual income streams.

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